As of yesterday morning, we were assuming that we could run tours for 3 people (thereby adhering to the 4 person maximum group size after our guide is counted).
This morning, in consultation with an official, we have been informed that we can actually take 4 people.
It all gets a little complicated - and we're not writing this blog entry to make any comment on how sensical the current restrictions are - but we'll try and explain.
All of our tours are private and exclusive.
We can take 4 people.
Current guidelines put a restriction on the number of people that can attend our tours assuming that they know each other.
In practice, we could take 8 people if it was two separate groups of 4 (that did not know each other).
So, if you make a booking on behalf of 2 groups of strangers, we can accommodate more people.
Confused? Don't worry - drop us a message, and we'll do our best to explain.
As always, stay safe - and we hope to see you soon!
