We can now be found directly through this site, which currently appears as the top search result for "canyoning in korea" on google.
Approaching us directly here, is the best way to get discounts and our most up-to-date information on tours and conditions.

Our insta is back up and continuing to grow:
Today, we're on 571 followers, with a couple of comments on today's post expressing an interest in the upcoming canyoning season.
Our facebook page, which evolved from the original Korean Canyoning community is still active, although we rarely post there - favouring instagram instead. But, we still receive and respond to messages on the platform.
The official youtube page has a couple of vids at present:
Although, the older Korean Canyoning account:
has a more comprehensive collection of short videos, which document some of the descents possible here.
On Tripadvisor, we have eleven 5* reviews, and we're sitting at #24 out of #132 Outdoor Activities in Korea; not bad for our first year (although, we do feel like saying some of those tours above us on the list are hardly outdoor activities in any real sense...)
Those Tripadvisor tour listings can also be found on www.viator.com and www.way.com
We have our tours advertised and listed on the sites of two large booking agents in Korea:
Paragliding Korea and My Good Life
Kids activities can be booked through Matari Forest School, with subscription based programmes available too.
At present, we're still trying to figure out how to best use our pinterest page:
Craigslist is another online resource we are experimenting with:
And just a few hours ago, we listed ourselves as a business on google, with another link page here:
We hope to hear from people seeking adventure in Korea, very soon!
To be sure that you're genuinely talking to one of us, at the Canyoning Korea Team, use our email:
or, phone number:
+82 10 2318 1645
or kakao (an easy to use, and very popular, Korean messaging app)
ID: raftjak